Elevate Your Day: Daily Morning Tips for a Bright Start

“Morning habits shape not only your day but your entire life. Choose them wisely.” – Robin Sharma

Here’s a valuable morning routine tips that I follow daily.
it takes a mere 10 min and it’s totally worth it.
How we begin our mornings can significantly impact the rest of our day.

  1. Avoid Snoozing Your Alarm: Wake up immediately, refrain from hitting the snooze button on your alarm to gain few more minutes of sleep. When you do take this few more minutes, it will not help you to be less tired, it’s actually the opposite, it sends a signal to your body and mind that you don’t want to start your day, and it will effect you negatively throughout the day.

  2. Start Slow: Dedicate the first 10 minutes of your morning just for yourself. If necessary, wake up 10 minutes earlier to allow for this. Rushing through your morning routine can elevate stress levels, so beginning with a calm approach is beneficial.

  3. Deep Breathing: Sit comfortably straight and engage in slow, mindful breathing. Focus on your breath. You can choose from various breathing techniques, such as belly (diaphragmatic) breathing, box breathing, or alternate nostril breathing, depending on what resonates with you.
    3-5 minutes of this practice serves as a wonderful reset and relaxation method.

  4. Connect with the Sun: Take a moment to gaze or be outside. Our bodies follow a circadian rhythm, and exposure to natural light in the morning helps activate and synchronize various bodily systems. We are inherently connected to nature, and this exposure is quite crucial to be in sync with nature.

  5. Make your bed: A cleaner environment equals a clearer mind.

"Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will direct our life and we will call it fate." – Carl Jung

Other impactful suggestions can include:


  • Aware breathing every morning or during the day for just a few minutes: Breathing is our most powerful tool to control our nervous system and relax.

  • Taking a short walk in nature: If you don’t have time in the morning, do it after work. Instead of going straight home, give yourself time to reflect and enjoy by going to a new place, prefer natural places like a park or a beach.

  • Cold showers: Cold water has an amazing ability to wake us up and energize us.

  • New hobby – no better way to break patterns as learning a new hobby that you may postponed learning for eternity, if you don’t do it now you will probably never will.

  • Appreciation: It’s a wonderful tool that can be mastered for a deep sense of fulfillment in life.

  • Facing your fears: Facing our fears may not be easy, but it’s a crucial step and one of the most liberating things we can do for ourselves. Fears often prevent us from fulfilling our life’s destiny and have a significant impact on our overall quality of life. While some fears may seem less significant than others – for example, if you fear spiders, it might not be a big deal unless you live in the wilds of Australia – but in all seriousness, if your fear affects your way of life, it’s better to address it sooner rather than later.
    Dealing with small fears is easier, and each fear you overcome will provide you with a boost of energy and motivation to tackle the next one.


It’s better to choose new habits that will make our lives better in the long run.
Every small step you take now will accumulate and reward you in the future with a higher quality of life and better health.
Remember we need to get out of our comfort zone in order to grow and feel the full benefits of what life has to offer.
no movement -> no change it’s that simple.