A word of honesty, I LOVE food, so why the heck would I choose to abstain from solid foods and drink only juice for 5 days or more?
At first, the idea of not consuming solid foods might seem a bit intimidating, but here’s the surprising part: juice fasting can actually be easier than sticking to a very low-calorie diet that leaves us with persistent hunger.
When we abstain from solid foods for a while, our bodies adjust, and that persistent hunger feeling gradually fades away,
In this fasting state, you might find yourself sitting in a restaurant with friends after not eating for a few days and you cannot care less about eating. It’s quite a strange feeling at first.
I’m not saying it’s easy, it’s not, at least not in the first 2-3 days, but from mine and my clients experience it’s well worth it.
I’ve personally witnessed the incredible impact of juice fasting and dietary changes on people dealing with various health issues. These range from autoimmune diseases, like the one I battled myself (which has sadly become a modern pandemic), and skin problems, digestive issues, and even mental challenges such as anxiety and depression.
Juice fasting is a powerful way to detoxify the body and reduce inflammation. It also helps to boost the immune system and promote self healing. When we juice fast, we give our digestive system a break and allow our bodies to focus on healing.
We are setting the ground for better and friendlier gut microbiome, those trillions little creatures that lives inside of us which control our overall physical and mental health (through the Gut-Brain connection which science is discovering now)
So, besides the physical benefits, it also has mental and spiritual ones. It’s not a secret that all major religions were practicing fasts thousands of years ago as a preparation for a better connection with god/nature/universe; it really has a way to clear our minds.
For me it’s also a great way to “break the chains” of our thoughts and habits – you can read more about it here.
successfully doing a juice fast can be a fantastic way to train our willpower, release us from the chains of food desires well, maybe just for a little while…
Here are some of the ways in which juice fasting can help to facilitate our own body healing power:
Detoxification: Juice fasting allows the digestive system to rest, which can facilitate the removal of toxins from the body. The nutrients in fresh juices can support the liver and kidneys in their natural detoxification processes.
Weight Loss: Juice fasting is often associated with weight loss. Consuming fewer calories while maintaining essential nutrients can help shed excess weight.
Improved Digestion: Giving the digestive system a break from solid foods can improve its efficiency. It may also help identify food sensitivities or allergies when reintroducing solid foods.
Enhanced Nutrient Absorption: Fresh juices are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. With improved digestion and a cleaner system, the body can absorb these nutrients more effectively.
Increased Energy: Many people report increased energy levels during and after juice fasting. This could be due to the body not expending energy on heavy digestion.
Balanced Blood Sugar: A juice fast can help stabilize blood sugar levels, especially when juices are made from low-glycemic fruits and vegetables.
Clearer Skin: Improved detoxification and increased nutrient intake can lead to clearer, healthier skin.
Reduced Inflammation: Some individuals experience a reduction in inflammatory symptoms, such as joint pain or skin conditions, during and after juice fasting.
Mental Clarity: For some reason to abstain from food can lead us to mental clarity, For thousands of years fasting was already used as a spiritual practice in most religons, and indeed you may feel enhance feeling of connectivness with yourself and nature.
Emotional Well-Being: Juice fasting can have a positive impact on mood and emotional well-being. Some individuals report feeling more balanced and less anxious or depressed.
Better Sleep: Improved digestion and detoxification can lead to better sleep patterns and overall sleep quality.
Healthy Habits: Juice fasting often encourages a shift towards healthier eating habits and increased mindfulness about food choices.
Autophagy: Fasting is a way to unlock our own healing mechanisms. When we fast, we trigger a process called autophagy. Autophagy is a cellular cleansing process that removes damaged and diseased cells from the body. This process can help to reduce inflammation, boost the immune system, and promote healing.
I just wanted to share my experience of detoxing under Basia’s guidance. I was apprehensive at the beginning, as I had never detoxed before. However, I had nothing to worry about as her knowledge knows no bounds. She was on hand every day, and I really appreciated these catch ups. There were times when my energy levels were low, but Basia gently guided me through each day. She has enormous empathy and I felt very safe in her hands. She is the most authentic, kind lady and I thank her for all she has done for me. An absolute treasure. Thank you Basia.
"I have now completed 2 detox programms with Basia and I'm delighted to say both experiences were excellent. The reassurance Basia provides is second to none and I was always comfortable discussing any aspect of the programme and how I was doing with her. Her personal experience and the life changing results she achieved were very inspiring for me; which I feel are especially helpful if someone is going into these new waters for the first time. She also gave me lots of encouragement during the programme and I was delighted with the results. At the end I felt so much more healthier. What fascinated me most was the fact that my taste buds were reset, fruit for example has never tasted as nice! I'd highly recommend engaging her services if you are simply looking for a reset (as in my case), or perhaps something more transformational."